
2024 05May

May 2024

SABASS Magazine is available at Spar, Pick ‘n Pay, C.N.A., Exclusive Books

SA BASS has been the leading bass magazine since 2001 for everyone who loves bass fishing.

“Urban bass fishing - South Florida, USA”
Image: Fishingboy

. Crash course in bass fishing - An Overview
I can only wonder how many people are there who would like to have a crash course in bass fishing. This series of short crash course articles is aimed at helping those new to the sport.   

. Autumn bassin’ made easy
This is an extremely productive and tactically simple time of the year to get results on your local body of water.

. Prowling for bass in backyard canals
Just like my past experience fishing for exotic species in South Florida, the bass fishing in small body of water in the suburbs blew me away for good reasons.

. Tournament etiquette
Integrating fair play and the correct protocol into your strategy will make you a more respected and accomplished angler.

. Bass behaviour myths
You have to go and experience bass fishing for yourself and find out that maybe not everything we are led to believe is actually the way it is.

. Master that cast
The usefulness of having mastered a few different casting techniques is often underrated by recreational bass anglers.

. Diet comparisons

Keep a bass’ natural feeding cycles in mind when out fishing, choose the right lure that meets all the requirements of a big bass diet, sand wait for that explosive hit.

. Die Heldesaal - Cotton Cordell (1928-2015)
As gevolg van Carl Richey Cordell se ligte wit hare het hy die bynaam “Cotton” gekry. Later het hy een van die wêreld se grootste kunsaas-vervaardigers geword.

. Herfs - Wanneer die eetklok lui!
Herfs is sekerlik een van my gunsteling tye om baars te teiken want die winter is oppad en die baars moet genoeg vetreserwes stoor om hulle deur die koue winter te kry.

- Bobbejaankloof Bass en Karp Lodge

- Justin Hamner wins the 2024 Bassmaster Classic Championship 
- University of Montevallo Wins MLF Abu Garcia College Fishing Tournament
- TBC Leg #8 – Boskop Dam

. My Cast
. Readers-go-Bassing
. NEW – Crash course in bass fishing
. Op my houtbordjie
. Basics for beginners
. International Angling News
. Gear Up
. Water levels in South Africa
. Towing tip & Find a Word